Indeed, cisgenesis has a great potential to overcome a major bottleneck in
traditional breeding-linkage drag. During introgression breeding, a wild plant with an interesting trait is
crossed with a high-quality genotype, such as a cultivar. The wild plant, however, passes on not only its
genes of interest to the progeny, but also other, sometimes deleterious genes. This so-called linkage drag
can slow down the breeding process tremendously, especially if the gene of interest is genetically tightly
linkage to one or more deleterious genes.
Indeed, cisgenesis has a great potential to overcome a major bottleneck intraditional breeding-linkage drag. During introgression breeding, a wild plant with an interesting trait iscrossed with a high-quality genotype, such as a cultivar. The wild plant, however, passes on not only itsgenes of interest to the progeny, but also other, sometimes deleterious genes. This so-called linkage dragcan slow down the breeding process tremendously, especially if the gene of interest is genetically tightlylinkage to one or more deleterious genes.
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