As a computing platform, mobile
phones are both pervasive and personal.
They’re almost always on and
tend to have an intimate relationship
with their owners, who store
private information on them and often personalize
their appearance or ring
tones, for example. This personal
nature suggests that mobile
phones are well suited for context-
aware computing. On one
hand, mobile phones follow the
user and have clues about the
current situation. On the other,
their various usage contexts will likely benefit
from context awareness.
Smart phones are a particularly tempting platform
for building context-aware applications
because they’re programmable and often use wellknown
operating systems. There’s a gap, however,
between the operating systems’ functionality and
the features that application developers need. A
smart phone knows, for example, how to connect
to a Bluetooth device—such as a Bluetoothenabled
Global Positioning System receiver—but
applications need the actual GPS coordinates.
To fill this gap, we’ve designed and developed
ContextPhone, a software platform consisting of
four interconnected modules provided as a set of
open source C++ libraries and source code components.
ContextPhone runs on off-the-shelf mobile
phones using Symbian OS (www.symbian.
com) and the Nokia Series 60 Smartphone platform
( To develop Context-
Phone, we followed a human-centered research
strategy1 that included field studies of application
use. As a result, our platform offers several
useful capabilities and functions that existing platforms