Changes in torsion test parameters are shown in Fig. 1. Shear stress at failure values ranged from 89 to 92 in grade A surimi gels, and from 150 to 113 in surimi grade FA surimi gels. The shear strain at failure ranged from 1.4 to 1.6 kg and from 2.31 to 1.93 in grade A and FA surimi gels, respectively. Shear stress decreased significantly by adding 15 g/kg of fish gelatin in both grade A and FA surimi gels. The shear strain values of surimi gels were not affected significantly (P 0.05) in grade A surimi gels by adding 5–15 g/kg of fish gelatin. However, in grade FA surimi gels shear strain at failure decreased significantly after adding 10 g/kg.