#1118: Scum
At this moment, Wang Yan, Jiang Hao, Yuan Qing, even if Huang Juan, is at present one bright, because so under the distance, the Bai Ruo Chen beautiful appearance appears does not have the flaw, may be called perfect, making the man be infatuated with, the female is ashamed. 这一刻,王炎,姜浩,元清,哪怕是黄娟,皆是眼前一亮,因为如此距离之下,白若尘的美貌显得更为无瑕,堪称完美,让男子为之陶醉,女子为之惭愧。 „Below Wang Yan, doesn't know the girl honored name?” At this moment, Wang Yan is both eyes shines, was similar to the greedy person saw the yeanling, even could not bear has swallowed saliva secretly, obviously he at present to the degree that Bai Ruo Chen moves deep. “在下王炎,不知姑娘尊姓大名?”此时此刻,王炎已是双眼放光,就如同饿狼看到了小绵羊,甚至忍不住偷偷的咽了一口口水,可见他眼下对白若尘动心的程度有多深。 However moves returns the thoughts to move, obvious that extremely he has not displayed, but is holding the fist in the other hand to salute to Bai Ruo Chen, showed an elegant bearing honorable gentleman appearance. 不过动心归动心,他也并未表现的太过明显,而是对着白若尘抱拳施礼,展现出了一副风度翩翩的正人君子模样。 „What attire installs, you do not know that the white girl did call Bai Ruo Chen? Asked something already known , was too rather shameless” may Wang Yan unable to think absolutely when oneself big show skill, Jiang Hao suddenly has actually stood, to win the Bai Ruo Chen favorable impression, attacked the match on this sentiment, gave to sell him unexpectedly directly. “装什么装,你不是知道白姑娘叫白若尘么?明知故问,也未免太无耻了吧”可王炎万万也想不到,在自己大展身手之际,姜浩却突然站了出来,并且为了博得白若尘的好感,打击他这位感情上的对手,竟然直接将他给卖了。 At this moment, Wang Yan was scared, no matter what he and Jiang Hao are also acquainted for many years, in the surface the relational quite good good brothers. 这一刻,王炎已经傻眼了,不管怎么说他与姜浩也是相识多年,表面上关系相当不错的好兄弟啊。 He cannot think that Jiang Hao so will be crazed, for a female, then makes this seeing color to forget the righteousness the matter, does not help him, in the Bai Ruo Chen front, reveals him unexpectedly, attacks him. 他怎么也想不到,姜浩会这么丧心病狂,为了一个女子,便做出这种见色忘义的事情,不帮他也就罢了,竟然在白若尘的面前,揭穿他,打击他。 This is calls Wang Yan to be unexpected seriously, foul odor suppressed in the chest, this was also his Wang Yan cultivation to deeply, if traded to be other people, can perhaps direct old blood blowout, be irritated by the Jiang vast actions while still alive. 这当真是叫王炎猝不及防,一口恶气憋在了胸口,这也就是他王炎修为深厚,要是换做旁人,恐怕能直接一口老血喷出,被姜浩的所作所为给活活气死。 But regarding Wang Yan at this moment that both awkward and surprised, in same place Wang Yan, Jiang Hao had not sympathized thoroughly, did not read the righteousness of past brothers completely, but was hurrying takes the favorable position, was holding the fist in the other hand to salute to Bai Ruo Chen, said: 而对于王炎此刻那既尴尬又吃惊,已经彻底愣在了原地的王炎,姜浩则是没有丝毫同情,完全不念往日的兄弟之义,而是赶忙抢占先机,对着白若尘抱拳施礼,道: „White girl hello, my name was Jiang Hao, you said that here was so big, we can meet in this, but was really the fate.” “白姑娘你好,我叫姜浩,你说这里这么大,咱们能够能够在此遇见,可真是缘分啊。” „Fate, is you tags along after obviously, to the Yuhua Sect disciple inquiry, overtakes the white girl.” At this moment, Wang Yan caught the retaliation opportunity finally, has put out, since you were unkind do not take it ill my non- righteousness the spirit, has revealed Jiang Hao the crime. “缘分个屁,明明是你一路尾随,又向羽化宗弟子打探,才追上白姑娘的。”这一刻,王炎终于逮到了报复机会,拿出了既然你不仁休怪我不义的精神,揭穿了姜浩的罪行。 „Wang Yan you, your good Meaning to say me, you do not tag along, you how with?” Jiang Hao refuted angrily. “王炎你,你好意思说我,你不是尾随,那你怎么跟过来的?”姜浩愤怒的反驳道。 „I tag along, open and aboveboard that but I tag along, frank and upright, may not have like you, covertly tags along after others white girl obviously, but also innocent said the fate, I, you have not been concerned about face.” Wang Yanda mouth, stuck the phlegm to spit, formerly Jiang vast embarrassed him, he must present at this moment all. “我是尾随,但我尾随的堂堂正正,光明正大,可没有像你一样,明明是偷偷摸摸的尾随人家白姑娘,还一脸无辜的说缘分,我呸,你还要脸不。”王炎大嘴一张,一口粘痰就吐了出去,先前姜浩让他难堪,他此刻就要尽数奉还。 „I scratch, Wang Yan you” sticks the phlegm to graze to come, moves aside promptly, that must fall on the face absolutely, Jiang Haozhen has gotten angry, finds out the palm then to grasp to Wang Yan, wants with its theory. “我擦,王炎你”一个粘痰飞掠而来,要不是躲闪及时,那绝对就要落在脸上,姜浩真的怒了,探出手掌便抓向王炎,想要与其理论一番。 But Wang Yan also refuses to admit being inferior, these two are on good terms many years of brothers, actually wants, for a female attacks brutally. 而王炎也是不甘示弱,这两个交好多年的兄弟,竟然要为了一个女子大打出手。 „, Not good Meaning Sister Bai, my these two fellow apprentices, the disposition is the comedy, but also looks at you do not care, actually several of us come, do not have other Meaning, but is thinking must do obeisance into the Azure Tree Mountain hanger-on, therefore wants to know Sister Bai ahead of time.” When Jiang Hao and Wang Yan bicker, a Yuan Qing went to enter, offered attentively to Bai Ruo Chen.
#1118: ขยะAt this moment, Wang Yan, Jiang Hao, Yuan Qing, even if Huang Juan, is at present one bright, because so under the distance, the Bai Ruo Chen beautiful appearance appears does not have the flaw, may be called perfect, making the man be infatuated with, the female is ashamed. 这一刻,王炎,姜浩,元清,哪怕是黄娟,皆是眼前一亮,因为如此距离之下,白若尘的美貌显得更为无瑕,堪称完美,让男子为之陶醉,女子为之惭愧。 „Below Wang Yan, doesn't know the girl honored name?” At this moment, Wang Yan is both eyes shines, was similar to the greedy person saw the yeanling, even could not bear has swallowed saliva secretly, obviously he at present to the degree that Bai Ruo Chen moves deep. “在下王炎,不知姑娘尊姓大名?”此时此刻,王炎已是双眼放光,就如同饿狼看到了小绵羊,甚至忍不住偷偷的咽了一口口水,可见他眼下对白若尘动心的程度有多深。 However moves returns the thoughts to move, obvious that extremely he has not displayed, but is holding the fist in the other hand to salute to Bai Ruo Chen, showed an elegant bearing honorable gentleman appearance. 不过动心归动心,他也并未表现的太过明显,而是对着白若尘抱拳施礼,展现出了一副风度翩翩的正人君子模样。 „What attire installs, you do not know that the white girl did call Bai Ruo Chen? Asked something already known , was too rather shameless” may Wang Yan unable to think absolutely when oneself big show skill, Jiang Hao suddenly has actually stood, to win the Bai Ruo Chen favorable impression, attacked the match on this sentiment, gave to sell him unexpectedly directly. “装什么装,你不是知道白姑娘叫白若尘么?明知故问,也未免太无耻了吧”可王炎万万也想不到,在自己大展身手之际,姜浩却突然站了出来,并且为了博得白若尘的好感,打击他这位感情上的对手,竟然直接将他给卖了。 At this moment, Wang Yan was scared, no matter what he and Jiang Hao are also acquainted for many years, in the surface the relational quite good good brothers. 这一刻,王炎已经傻眼了,不管怎么说他与姜浩也是相识多年,表面上关系相当不错的好兄弟啊。 He cannot think that Jiang Hao so will be crazed, for a female, then makes this seeing color to forget the righteousness the matter, does not help him, in the Bai Ruo Chen front, reveals him unexpectedly, attacks him. 他怎么也想不到,姜浩会这么丧心病狂,为了一个女子,便做出这种见色忘义的事情,不帮他也就罢了,竟然在白若尘的面前,揭穿他,打击他。 This is calls Wang Yan to be unexpected seriously, foul odor suppressed in the chest, this was also his Wang Yan cultivation to deeply, if traded to be other people, can perhaps direct old blood blowout, be irritated by the Jiang vast actions while still alive. 这当真是叫王炎猝不及防,一口恶气憋在了胸口,这也就是他王炎修为深厚,要是换做旁人,恐怕能直接一口老血喷出,被姜浩的所作所为给活活气死。 But regarding Wang Yan at this moment that both awkward and surprised, in same place Wang Yan, Jiang Hao had not sympathized thoroughly, did not read the righteousness of past brothers completely, but was hurrying takes the favorable position, was holding the fist in the other hand to salute to Bai Ruo Chen, said: 而对于王炎此刻那既尴尬又吃惊,已经彻底愣在了原地的王炎,姜浩则是没有丝毫同情,完全不念往日的兄弟之义,而是赶忙抢占先机,对着白若尘抱拳施礼,道: „White girl hello, my name was Jiang Hao, you said that here was so big, we can meet in this, but was really the fate.” “白姑娘你好,我叫姜浩,你说这里这么大,咱们能够能够在此遇见,可真是缘分啊。” „Fate, is you tags along after obviously, to the Yuhua Sect disciple inquiry, overtakes the white girl.” At this moment, Wang Yan caught the retaliation opportunity finally, has put out, since you were unkind do not take it ill my non- righteousness the spirit, has revealed Jiang Hao the crime. “缘分个屁,明明是你一路尾随,又向羽化宗弟子打探,才追上白姑娘的。”这一刻,王炎终于逮到了报复机会,拿出了既然你不仁休怪我不义的精神,揭穿了姜浩的罪行。 „Wang Yan you, your good Meaning to say me, you do not tag along, you how with?” Jiang Hao refuted angrily. “王炎你,你好意思说我,你不是尾随,那你怎么跟过来的?”姜浩愤怒的反驳道。 „I tag along, open and aboveboard that but I tag along, frank and upright, may not have like you, covertly tags along after others white girl obviously, but also innocent said the fate, I, you have not been concerned about face.” Wang Yanda mouth, stuck the phlegm to spit, formerly Jiang vast embarrassed him, he must present at this moment all. “我是尾随,但我尾随的堂堂正正,光明正大,可没有像你一样,明明是偷偷摸摸的尾随人家白姑娘,还一脸无辜的说缘分,我呸,你还要脸不。”王炎大嘴一张,一口粘痰就吐了出去,先前姜浩让他难堪,他此刻就要尽数奉还。 „I scratch, Wang Yan you” sticks the phlegm to graze to come, moves aside promptly, that must fall on the face absolutely, Jiang Haozhen has gotten angry, finds out the palm then to grasp to Wang Yan, wants with its theory. “我擦,王炎你”一个粘痰飞掠而来,要不是躲闪及时,那绝对就要落在脸上,姜浩真的怒了,探出手掌便抓向王炎,想要与其理论一番。 But Wang Yan also refuses to admit being inferior, these two are on good terms many years of brothers, actually wants, for a female attacks brutally. 而王炎也是不甘示弱,这两个交好多年的兄弟,竟然要为了一个女子大打出手。 „, Not good Meaning Sister Bai, my these two fellow apprentices, the disposition is the comedy, but also looks at you do not care, actually several of us come, do not have other Meaning, but is thinking must do obeisance into the Azure Tree Mountain hanger-on, therefore wants to know Sister Bai ahead of time.” When Jiang Hao and Wang Yan bicker, a Yuan Qing went to enter, offered attentively to Bai Ruo Chen.
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