Phanthiwa CHANCHOENGPHOP, selected within the framework of the LOTUS+ Project (“Erasmus Mundus Programme, Action 2 – STRAND 1, Lot 5, Southeast Asia”) to undertake a Administrative Staff of 1 month at the University of Limerick, declare:
- to be national of one of the eligible Southeast Asian countries;
- to have not lived, nor developed my main activity (study, work, etc.), over more than 12 months, in the last 5 years, in one of the eligible European countries at the moment of my application (not applicable for TG3);
- to have not benefited in the past from an Erasmus Mundus scholarship for the same type of mobility;
- to acknowledge and accept all conditions set in the Scholarship Contract regarding the participation in this Project, namely the following:
The coordinating institution has the right to suspend the payment of the scholarship, without right to any type of compensation for damages, if:
the scholarship holder withdraws from the project or leaves the host institution before the established ending date;
the scholarship holder does not comply with the internal regulations of the host institution and/or the consortium;
there is evidence of bad conduct or of other security-related issues;
the scholarship holder does not comply with the academic quality standards of the host institution and/or the consortium;
the scholarship holder leaves the host institution without complying with the rules as set forth by clause 15 of the Scholarship Contract;
the scholarship holder was selected based on previous false declarations, which led to the misidentification of her/his eligibility to participate in the Project.
In case the scholarship holder withdraws from the LOTUS+ project without a reason considered valid by the coordinating institution and the travel ticket has already been issued, (s)he must reimburse the total amount of the travel purchase to the coordinating institution. This reimbursement may be done in a single or several-stages payment, according to the instructions of the coordinating institution.
In case the scholarship holder interrupts the mobility before the established ending date, the coordinating institution will demand the full reimbursement of the monthly scholarship payment overpaid to the scholarship holder. The scholarship holder has 30 days upon notification by the coordinating institution to proceed with the reimbursement. The coordinating institution will provide specific instructions to the scholarship holder on reimbursement procedures. If the scholarship holder fails to comply with these instructions, additional banking fees and interests will be charged and judicial steps will be taken.
Scholarship holders may not accept, during the period of the current grant, any other scholarship funded by the European Union.
The scholarship holder commits her/himself to return to her/his home country at the end of the scholarship period.
The scholarship holder formally agrees to give personal details so that these can be used for benefit of this or future Projects with Southeast Asia within the framework of the Erasmus Mundus Programme.