I'm sorry that stuff happens to blacks. People are just ignorant and think they are better than everyone else. BUT, it is just a hairstyle. It's like if a black girl drinks Starbucks, it's something that has become popular with white girls yet a black girl can do it. A white girl can have cornrows if she likes the hairstyle. I do agree though that a lot of people look down on blacks for that stuff and I'm sorry that happens. I think that in the future it will be better because people are becoming more understanding like with gays being able to get married in the U.S. It's ignorant people that say that cornrows are ghetto or whatever. I think that black people are just like white people and we're all equal. I don't understand how the color of someone's skin can affect so much. It's not like the color of our eyes makes a big difference in or society but skin does. I'm truly sorry for any people that have been harassed because they're black.