At Sebas’ question, Succulent wore a mocking smile, the kind where only the corners of the lips curl upwards.
Sebas too, responded with a smile.
Stafan sighed deeply, like he was dealing with an idiot.
“My duty is to check whether or not there was a transaction involving slaves. Checking on how workers are treated is for someone else. It seems that this incident was not connected to slavery.”
“…Then could you tell me the name of the civil servant who is in charge of the working conditions?”
“…Hmm, I’d like to tell you but it’s complicated. Unfortunately, someone who interferes with another’s work isn’t very popular.”
“…Then please wait until then.”
Stafan grinned, as if he was waiting for those words.
“…I wish I could do that, I really do. But since the report has already been made, I have to arrest you people and investigate as soon as possible, by force if necessary.”
In other words, he had no time.
“Even now, looking at the circumstantial evidence, it’s obvious that you’re guilty. But the store wants to resolve the matter cleanly. Of course, there will have to be compensation depending on the agreement. And it’ll also be a little costly to destroy the false written report about the slave trading.”
“What is the breakdown, exactly?”
“Well, you see, we’re going to need you to return our employee to us along with compensation for the profit loss during the time she was away.”
“I see, and how much would that be?”
“In gold coins… let’s see here. Well, I’ll give you a discount, a 100 gold pieces and an additional 300 for compensation, making it 400 in total. How’s that?”
“…Quite a fortune, how is that broken up? What type of work does she do on a given day? How much of it?”
At that moment, Stafan interrupted him.
“Ah, wait a moment. That shouldn’t be all of it, Succulent-kun.”
“Quite so, I almost forgot. You mentioned that since a report has been filed, destroying the entry will require a fee even if we reach a settlement.”
“Of course, Succulent-kun. You can’t forget that part.”
Stafan grinned.
“No, it’s nothing.”
Sebas swallowed his words and smiled.
Succulent bowed his head to Stafan and continued his talk.
“Hmm, I apologize for that, Hevish-sama. Anyways, the fee will be a third of the compensation so a 100 pieces. In total, that will come out to 500 pieces.”
“I paid money back when I brought her here, is that part included as well?”
“What are you saying? Listen here, from the moment you agreed, you never bought a slave. In other words, the money involved in that transaction never existed. You probably dropped it somewhere.”
Did he expect Sebas to simply pretend that he dropped a hundred gold pieces? Well, they most likely already each took half.
“… However, the girl’s body still has not healed completely. If you try to take her with you now, she may suffer a relapse. There is also a chance that she may lose her life in the treatments to follow. I believe that it will be safer for her stay with us for the time being.”
Succulent’s eyes glinted oddly. Noticing his change, Sebas knew that he had made a mistake. He had revealed that Tsuare was important to him.
“Of course, of course, you’re right. If she died then you would obviously have to recompense us, then how about you lend us the lady of this house until her treatment is finished?”
“Ohhh! That’s a splendid idea. It goes without saying he should plug up the hole that he’s responsible for!”
The smile covering Stafan’s face was clearly filled with lust. He was probably already undressing Solution in his mind.
Sebas’ smile disappeared and his face became expressionless.
Although Succulent was probably joking, he will no doubt push for that idea if Sebas were to show a weak spot. From the moment that the fact he valued Tsuare was revealed, the possibility that this troublesome incident will grow bigger in the future was right before his eyes.
“…Won’t excessive greed lead to trouble?”