The results indicated that the DM, ash, CP and ADL
contents of the diet increased as the proportion of Sesbania in
the diet increased. The DM, OM and CP intake and DM, OM, CP
and NDF digestibilities of the Napier grass-Sesbania mixtures
were higher than that of Napier grass alone. The CP intake
increased as the level of Sesbania inclusion in the diet
increased. The ADWG was higher in animals fed a diet
containing 300 g/kg Sesbania as compared to the sole Napier
diet. However, there was no significant difference among the
different treatment groups in ADWG presumably due to the
young age and relatively good quality of the basal Napier grass
diet. It can be concluded from this study that feeding a sole
diet of young Napier grass to sheep could result in reasonably
good performance and inclusion of above 300 g/kg Sesbania
in the diet did not have further beneficial effect.