When working with students who are higher functioning, it is easy to
assume that they understand information, particularly if they are able to
repeat it. However, even though there may be good recall, the student
may not grasp the intended meaning. It is important to check for
Developing oral language expression
Students with autism may not develop traditional oral language, but
most do develop some form of communication. It is important that
people involved with the student have a thorough knowledge of the
student’s form of expression and that they adjust their expectations for
communication accordingly. For students with limited oral expression,
teachers and families should accept limited verbal attempts and nonverbal
behaviour as communicative. A customized communication
dictionary is a very useful tool in which staff and parents can document
what the student says and what is meant, along with planned adult
responses to language attempts. See the Appendix for a form that can be
sued to create a communication dictionary.
Even those students with autism who do have oral language may not
add to their working oral vocabularies easily. Teachers and parents will
need to teach new vocabulary in a variety of contexts and using a
visually-based approach. Students need to be taught that:
• everything in our world has a name
• there are different ways of saying the same thing
• words can be meaningful in a variety of contexts, and
• learning to use words will help them communicate their needs
and desires.
Students who rely on pictorial representations to communicate will
need to learn that a drawing or representation has a name and that it can
give direction, or tell us what to do. Understanding this is essential if
visual systems are going to provide meaningful communication.
The student’s education program should include situations that
encourage different types of expression, such as:
• requests (e.g., for food, toys, or help)
• negation (e.g., refusing food or a toy, protesting when asked to
do something, or indicating when the student wants to stop)