Fish sarcoplasmic proteins (SP) are a large family of proteins that
include myogens and enzymes, and are soluble in water or low
ionic strength solution. These components are normally washed
out from surimi processing since they can lead to deterioration
during surimi storage.
The washing step is necessary for improving
the quality of surimi gel, especially gel strength and whiteness. In
the washing process, a high amount of water is used and vast
quantities of washed water are generated as waste, which contains
soluble SP. Lin, Park, and Morrissey (1995) reported that 1.7 kg of
protein could be recovered for every 100 kg of surimi produced. The
utilization of SP fromwashed water generated by surimi plants has
been investigated to utilize the by-product as food ingredients. In
addition, it would be an alternative way to reduce waste.
Fish sarcoplasmic proteins (SP) are a large family of proteins that
include myogens and enzymes, and are soluble in water or low
ionic strength solution. These components are normally washed
out from surimi processing since they can lead to deterioration
during surimi storage.
The washing step is necessary for improving
the quality of surimi gel, especially gel strength and whiteness. In
the washing process, a high amount of water is used and vast
quantities of washed water are generated as waste, which contains
soluble SP. Lin, Park, and Morrissey (1995) reported that 1.7 kg of
protein could be recovered for every 100 kg of surimi produced. The
utilization of SP fromwashed water generated by surimi plants has
been investigated to utilize the by-product as food ingredients. In
addition, it would be an alternative way to reduce waste.
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