Overall, six direct relationships have been found statistically significant to the employee’s intention (table IV). These relations are between performance expectancy, effort expectancy, system enjoyment, facilitating conditions, system flexibility and social influence with employees’ intention to use web-based training systems. Interestingly, the strongest relationship is found between system flexibility and user’s intention (.265) (Table IV). There- fore, web-based training systems should be flexible in any time and place. The second important relationship is the one between facilitating conditions and employee’s intention (.257) (Table IV). The result implies that organizations should pay attention to help their employees to obtain the resources and knowledge needed for web training process. The third important relationship is be- tween system enjoyment and employees’ intention (.219) (Table IV). In this respect, user interface and training materials’ format should be enjoyable. Continuously, the fourth important direct relationship is between effort expectancy and employees’ intention (.175) (Table IV). The relation of employees’ intention with the performance expectancy (.107) (Table IV) and social influence (.091) (Table III) were the last two important relationships. Otherwise, this study found that there are four factors having direct impact on the performance expectancy and effort expectancy. Those factors are system flexibility, system interactivity, system enjoyment and facilitating conditions. In other words, these factors make the system much usefulness and ease to use. These results are consistent with that of Davis [14] who indicated that system characteristics have impact on the usefulness and ease of use.