Survey team training and supervision. Data collection was
performed by 6 teams in the Northwest and Northeast, by 3 teams in
the Central region, and by 8 teams in South Central Somalia. The
number of teams deployed was dependent on the proximity of the
clusters, security, and the need to balance the clan affiliation of team
members, especially in the South Central areas. Each team was
composed of 8 people: 2 enumerators, 2 biologic sample collectors, 2
measurers, and 1 team leader, and an FSNAU Nutrition Field Analyst
was allocated to each team to supervise the field work. Most of the
survey teams were experienced in conducting surveys in Somalia. The
biologic sample collectors were mainly laboratory staff who were taken
from hospitals within the respective zones. In some situations in which
laboratory staff were unavailable, experienced nurses were selected
instead for this task.
Survey team training and supervision. Data collection wasperformed by 6 teams in the Northwest and Northeast, by 3 teams inthe Central region, and by 8 teams in South Central Somalia. Thenumber of teams deployed was dependent on the proximity of theclusters, security, and the need to balance the clan affiliation of teammembers, especially in the South Central areas. Each team wascomposed of 8 people: 2 enumerators, 2 biologic sample collectors, 2measurers, and 1 team leader, and an FSNAU Nutrition Field Analystwas allocated to each team to supervise the field work. Most of thesurvey teams were experienced in conducting surveys in Somalia. Thebiologic sample collectors were mainly laboratory staff who were takenfrom hospitals within the respective zones. In some situations in whichlaboratory staff were unavailable, experienced nurses were selectedinstead for this task.
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