In contrast to typical Western goal-oriented approaches focused on fixing a problem, mindfulness training can enhance one’s ability to be in the moment and experience what is happening without judgment (Mackenzie&Poulin,2006).Mind fullness meditation appears to have a protective effect of decreasing harmful effects of life stress on mental health (de frias & Whyne,2015).In fact, de Frias and Whyne (2015) suggest that older adults experiencing high levels of stress would receive the most benefit from minditation and that targeting especially vulnerable older targeting especially vulnerable older adults, such as those grieving the loss of a loved one, would be an important step in helping maintain a healthy mental status, More research is needed to indentify effective mindfulness-based interventions for older adults and their caregivers. However, increasing evidence shows that mindfulness meditation is an intervention that can be helpful for problems such as depression,anxiety, chronic pain, loneliness, and caregiver burden.