With the above said, I’m still not saying that my purpose with this site is to “prove” any “claim”.
The name of this site (as I’ve said it many times before until I’m blue in the face) is based on my objective to reach a useful level of a language in as short a time as possible. I’m not a savant, and I’m not someone who has a knack or enjoyment for learning languages – I actually dislike learning languages, but I’m trying anyway.
But I have found that aiming high and timeboxing it into a tight deadline, and having both being as specific as possible creates much better results than “try your best” does.
The core message of my site isn’t the fluency level or the three month timeline, it’s the specificity in goals. Way too many people start a New Year’s Resolution to just “learn Spanish” and fail miserably. Their “fluent in 3 months” could be “get by as a confident tourist in 2 weeks” or “have basic conversations in 2 months” or “be able to read a novel by the end of the year”.
THAT’s what this site is all about.
“Fluent in 3 months” is an example of a specific deadline, and a specific timeline, and is an important part of my learning philosophy, and so an appropriate name for the site. If you don’t like it, and would prefer if I had a less ambitious blog name, tough luck :) “” is a boring name for a site – I picked a name that reflects the kind of projects that I genuinely attempt myself publicly.