An issue of public health (flocculation) (at 8.21 minute)
Turbidity and floating particles
Did you know that small floating particles in the water
can make you sick? If you look into the microscope and
we can zoom into, what do we find? What are these
small floating particles and how do they float? These
particles are of two types, inorganic (like clay, silt and mineral oxides) and organic (like
algae, protozoa and bacteria). The bacteria once ingested by humans can sometimes be
fatal. All of these small particles are able to float because they are not heavy enough to
settle to the bottom by gravity. Suspended particles that are too light and small to settle are
called colloids. When looked at together these colloids cause a state of cloudiness or
haziness, known as turbidity. The more cloudy a fluid looks, the more turbid it is. There is a
relation between turbidity and the risk of getting a disease. Science shows that the more
turbid the drinking water is, the higher the risk of getting a disease is.
An issue of public health (flocculation) (at 8.21 minute)Turbidity and floating particlesDid you know that small floating particles in the watercan make you sick? If you look into the microscope andwe can zoom into, what do we find? What are thesesmall floating particles and how do they float? Theseparticles are of two types, inorganic (like clay, silt and mineral oxides) and organic (likealgae, protozoa and bacteria). The bacteria once ingested by humans can sometimes befatal. All of these small particles are able to float because they are not heavy enough tosettle to the bottom by gravity. Suspended particles that are too light and small to settle arecalled colloids. When looked at together these colloids cause a state of cloudiness orhaziness, known as turbidity. The more cloudy a fluid looks, the more turbid it is. There is arelation between turbidity and the risk of getting a disease. Science shows that the moreturbid the drinking water is, the higher the risk of getting a disease is.
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