because the human body can with stand a core temperature above 40 degrees Celsius for about 30 mins before cell damage sets in,it is essential to initiate rapid cooling on site in order to lower it as quickly as possible after any athletic or protective gear has been removed from the victim, place them in an ice water tub while stirring the water and monitoring vitals continuously if this not possible, dousing in ice water and applying wet towels over the entire body can help. but before you start anything emergency services should be is you wait,it is importance to keep the victim calm while cooling as much surface area as possible until emergency personnel arrive. if medical staff are available on site cooling shed continue until a core temperature of 38.9 degrees Celsius is reached.the sun is know for giving life,but it can also take life away if we are not careful, even affecting the strongest among us. as Dr.JJ Levick wrote of exertional heat stroke in 1859,it strikes down its victim with his full armor on. youth ,health and strength oppose no obstacle to it is power but although this condition is one of the top three leading causes of death in sports, it has been 100 % survivable with proper care