6.5.1 Operation
The ready-mixed concrete is brought on a belt conveyor to the feeder
hopper, from which it flows by itself onto the extruder screws. The product
is formed directly on the base molds running on driving rollers. The
base molds also form the bottom of the extruder.
In the extruder, concrete moves simultaneously both vertically and horizontally.
That helps the packing process.
Final packing takes place under a so called packing bar. At this point the
core diameter of each extruder screw grows and the thread gets smaller.
After the packing stage, the top surface of the product is made smooth
by a vibrating plate.
6.5.2 Adjustment Principles
To obtain good product quality, all adjustments of the machines must be
correct. The extruder is a machine in which each separate adjustment affects
another one. There are both "electrical adjustments" made through
main control desk OS1 and "mechanical adjustments" made in the machine
itself. Normally a rather long training and operating time is required
before the extruder can be controlled perfectly.
Purpose of this instruction is to give basic information of the effects of adjustments
and of the basic means of adjusting. It is not possible to make
an exact written manual on adjustments. The extruder operator must
learn in practice the right adjusting operations in different situations.
6.5.3 Adjusting Objects Electrical Adjustments
Basic Adjusting of Extruding Screws
For feed screw adjustments there are several adjusting knobs on control
desk OS1:
Line speed / Rollers speed
1 Side screw (speed, when 8 screws)
2 Packing (side screw and speed, when 6 screws)
3 Packing
4 Packing (center screw)
5 Packing (center screw)
6 Packing
7 Packing (side screw and speed, when 6 screws)
8 Side screw (speed, when 8 screws)
6.5.1 OperationThe ready-mixed concrete is brought on a belt conveyor to the feederhopper, from which it flows by itself onto the extruder screws. The productis formed directly on the base molds running on driving rollers. Thebase molds also form the bottom of the extruder.In the extruder, concrete moves simultaneously both vertically and horizontally.That helps the packing process.Final packing takes place under a so called packing bar. At this point thecore diameter of each extruder screw grows and the thread gets smaller.After the packing stage, the top surface of the product is made smoothby a vibrating plate.6.5.2 Adjustment PrinciplesTo obtain good product quality, all adjustments of the machines must becorrect. The extruder is a machine in which each separate adjustment affectsanother one. There are both "electrical adjustments" made throughmain control desk OS1 and "mechanical adjustments" made in the machineitself. Normally a rather long training and operating time is requiredbefore the extruder can be controlled perfectly.Purpose of this instruction is to give basic information of the effects of adjustmentsand of the basic means of adjusting. It is not possible to makean exact written manual on adjustments. The extruder operator mustlearn in practice the right adjusting operations in different situations.6.5.3 Adjusting Objects6.5.3.1 Electrical AdjustmentsBasic Adjusting of Extruding ScrewsFor feed screw adjustments there are several adjusting knobs on controldesk OS1:Line speed / Rollers speed1 Side screw (speed, when 8 screws)2 Packing (side screw and speed, when 6 screws)3 Packing4 Packing (center screw)5 Packing (center screw)6 Packing7 Packing (side screw and speed, when 6 screws)8 Side screw (speed, when 8 screws)
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