ccording to traditional Thai culture, it is unacceptable for parents that their children attach to someone as husband or wife without marriage. It is one of the worst things that make them lose face among others in the community, especially if their child is a girl, and they also feel disrespected by both their daughter and her partner.
If it happens to be this way, in order to cool down their anger the man usually sets up a meeting with the girl’s parents to admit and understand that they – the girl and hemself – had done wrong and they feel sorry about it. The fee for this could be as little as 9 baht, 99 baht, 999 baht or a very huge amount depending on the status of both sides. The amount often goes high if the man has lots of money. The 9, 99, 999 or whatsoever are usually chosen because the word ‘9’ in Thai can also mean ‘step (forward)’ which is considered a good word. In fact it can be anything, not only limited to these numbers.
Nevertheless, this DOES NOT mean after such action the man has the right to take away their daughter. The wedding has to be organised separately under some other rules and practice.
Comparably, in order to make the idea crystal clear, if you get caught of driving without a driver’s license, you will have to pay fine. You will only be forgiven for your previous unlawful driving but it DOES NOT give you the right to drive. A driver’s license has to be obtained separately with required documents to be provided and fees to be paid.
Likewise, rules and practice for the Thai wedding are to be obeyed. These rules are said to be hardly understood and accepted by the westerners, as it looks like the parents sell their daughter. On one hand, some parents are really like that – selling their daughters overpriced with the reason ‘we have brought her up for a long time since she was born so we should get a compensation for it.’ One the other hand, some parents only ask for high amount of money to ensure that their future in-law is able to provide their daughter with enough money to live on and the lives will go well. Many of this kind of parents only request the money for ‘status’ and ‘appearance’ to the community, as they consider losing face if the amount requested is too low. Then after the wedding they MAY give it back to their daughter and her husband as ‘wedding gift’.
All these stuff mentioned above only apply to people who care about the traditional culture. Many these days, particularly those who have participated in western cultures, do not seem to care about it. They may only request for a small amount - just to keep the tradition - or they may even just let it go and leave it to the couple to decide for themselves.
What is best for you to choose really depends on how your partner’s parents prefer. If their preference is really unacceptable for you then you have four choices: first close your eyes and follow their requirements for your love; second ask your partner to try to persuade her parents to change the requirement; third fug the parents up by taking their daughter away; or fourth break up with her and get a new one.
Whatever you prefer, decide for yourself(ves).