Employment gains, is war."
"Taking the cwis, funny. So bored. "
"Human, dwarven blacksmith, to get rid of rust on the glaive was asking. Cwis taking. "
"We are fighting Russia unconditionally, cwis!"
If there is anyone out there who can fight the first Orc in Mali.
They are persecuted in Orc races receives the Central_Continent very well. A human is not a reason to fail to exceed even the gateway in many cities.
Individual's ability is far stronger that Orc had taken the number of objects, but in control of those areas they did not want it in the Guild. This was once the hunting grounds of the Orc or more creatures are reduced.
Of course, there were lots of other empty Dungeon are also falling, a lot of money is really annoying in the Orc's time was.
Vargo_Fortress around in a big way and breeding monsters you defeated Orc bunch who regret was in action.
"Human beings should fight like you was in a crisis. Delicious beer debt because there's no other reason for it. "
"In order to keep the forest ... The vets. "
Dwarf and Elf too.
It is one of the species as belonging to this increasing AlpenKingdom also decided to join in the war.
Northern representative responded to an army of Hermes_Guild, too.
"In order to conquer the US guys coming ... Willing to fight! "
"After the war goes on, after waiting for deception."
"Let me!"
At that time I was a newbie about to the unpaired ones now not only have a lot of growth is not enougThe war of the past jumped out at Morata ended Northern precipitated them!
h to even compare the number has grown a lot.
"To get in on the fight on each bag says al."
"You need to have at least 40 thousands people were collected by the mobilization. You'd possible? "
"Poison mushrooms kill, a lot of my Dungeon Explorers and expeditions through the personnel do not come out of the geosdogateun ... I'll let you know. "
Grass_porridge_faith's internal network, through begins collecting war participants.
"Hermes_Guild .....".
"Kill him!"
"Join the war ...."
"Let's go!"
"Where I was supposed to get?"
It is sufficient to inform without need a conversation.
In the Northern Warriors come out of the Dungeon and the hunting grounds of the movement initiation.
I don't know about noise from their player of the Versailles_Continent Tavern.
"And it really is a continent occupying Hermes_Guild Duro."
"Well, I was determined to work or the difference. The allies may have to fight ... but how. "