Regarding the FET’11 installation, the system proved to
be scalable enough to serve the larger number of participants
to the experiment. Also, conference participants showed
interest towards the statistics produced by the system, even
though they were produced with 3-4 minutes of delay,
including information such as the top 10 popular booths,
booths where visitors spend the most time, among others.
Apart from visitors, exhibitors also showed interest in
statistics about their booth and indicators regarding how
their exhibits faired against the other ones. Furthermore,
we implemented additional components for providing results
and statistics, e.g., posting latest information about booth
popularity on Twitter and other social networks. An example
of the statistics produced is shown in Fig. 5, where the
number of distinct users per booth per day is depicted. Such
data can serve online for reacting to organisational issues or
further promoting popular trends, or offline for identifying
correlations between users or booths. A more detailed report
on results is provided in [15].