- Googafternon ladies and gentleman. Thankyou all very much for coming today.
- Let us introduce ourselves My name is Natwara surasit ,This is Saikaew vongdechapaiboon ,The next is Raviporn patcharavongsakda ,Rattanaporn buadit ,Anusit nokthong ,And the last one is Chalita kotcharat.
- This afternoon I'd like to present "Regional Thai style Food".
- I'm going to divide this talk into Four parts. First "Central Thai Cuisine" ,Second I will move on to "Northern Thai Cuisine" ,Third "Northeastern Thai Cuisine" ,Finally "Southern Thai Cuisine".
- This presentation will last minutes.
- If you have any question ,I will glad to answer them at the end of the presentation.
- So, let start with "Central Thai Cuisine"
- Now! I will move on to "Northern Thai Cuisine"
- OK! I like to turn to "Northeastern Thai Cuisine"
- Finally "Southern Thai Cuisine"