19. Specification of the recovery or disposal operation(s) as referred to in Annexes II A and II B to Directive 2006/ 12/EC.
20. If the waste is destined for recovery:
(a) the planned method of disposal for the non-recoverable fraction after recovery;
(b) the amount of recovered material in relation to non-recoverable waste;
(c) the estimated value of the recovered material;
(d) the cost of recovery and the cost of disposal of the non-recoverable fraction.
21. Evidence of insurance against liability for damage to third parties (e.g. a declaration certifying its existence).
22. Evidence of a contract (or a declaration certifying its existence) between the notifier and consignee for the recovery or disposal of the waste that has been concluded and is effective at the time of the notification, as required in the second subparagraph, point 4 of Article 4 and in Article 5.
23. A copy of the contract or evidence of the contract (or a declaration certifying its existence) between the producer, new producer or collector and the broker or dealer, in the event that the broker or dealer acts as notifier.
24. Evidence of a financial guarantee or equivalent insurance (or a declaration certifying its existence if the competent authority so allows) that has been established and is effective at the time of the notification or, if the competent authority which approves the financial guarantee or equivalent insurance so allows, at the latest when the shipment starts, as required in the second subparagraph, point 5 of Article 4 and in Article 6.
25. Certification by the notifier that the information is complete and correct to the best of his/her knowledge.
26. When the notifier is not the producer in accordance with point 15(a)(i) of Article 2, the notifier shall ensure that the producer or one of the persons indicated in point 15(a)(ii) or (iii) of Article 2, where practicable, also signs the notification document provided for in Annex IA.
Part 2: Information to be supplied on, or annexed to, the movement document:
Supply all information listed in Part 1, updated in accordance with the points set out below, and the other additional information specified:
1. Serial and total number of shipments.
2. Date shipment started.
3. Means of transport.
4. Carrier's (carriers') name, address, telephone number, fax number and e-mail address.
5. Routing (point of exit from and entry into each country concerned, including customs offices of entry into and/ or exit from and/or export from the Community) and route (route between points of exit and entry), including possible alternatives, also in case of unforeseen circumstances.
6. Quantities.
7. Type of packaging.
8. Any special precautions to be taken by the carrier(s).
9. Declaration by the notifier that all necessary consents have been received from the competent authorities of the countries concerned. This declaration must be signed by the notifier.
10. Appropriate signatures for each custody transfer.