Assessment Literacy
In 2011, the Buros Center for Testing launched a bold new initiative in assessment literacy. The idea expands upon the fundamental goal of Oscar Buros for the Mental Measurements Yearbooks to educate test authors, publishers, and primarily test users about sound measurement practice.
In the 1940 Mental Measurements Yearbook, stated objectives for test reviews included assisting discriminating selection, providing detailed and accurate information, suggesting better appraisal methods, stimulating reconsideration of beliefs and values, and inculcating a keener awareness of values and dangers. The importance of these objectives continues unabated today and perhaps the urgency for attention is even greater given the issues facing education and psychology.
In moving towards the future, assessment literacy will promote wider and better understanding of testing and assessment practice through the provision of instructional and educational resources. These resources will enhance the ability of individuals to develop and use assessments in accordance with relevant standards and accepted guidelines for responsible test use.
Assessment Literacy
In 2011, the Buros Center for Testing launched a bold new initiative in assessment literacy. The idea expands upon the fundamental goal of Oscar Buros for the Mental Measurements Yearbooks to educate test authors, publishers, and primarily test users about sound measurement practice.
In the 1940 Mental Measurements Yearbook, stated objectives for test reviews included assisting discriminating selection, providing detailed and accurate information, suggesting better appraisal methods, stimulating reconsideration of beliefs and values, and inculcating a keener awareness of values and dangers. The importance of these objectives continues unabated today and perhaps the urgency for attention is even greater given the issues facing education and psychology.
In moving towards the future, assessment literacy will promote wider and better understanding of testing and assessment practice through the provision of instructional and educational resources. These resources will enhance the ability of individuals to develop and use assessments in accordance with relevant standards and accepted guidelines for responsible test use.
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