Ten categories of priorities emerged from the workshop.
These are listed in Table 2, ranked according to total number of
votes for each priority. Table 2 also includes the number of votes
for each priority by stakeholder group and a representative
selection of items in each category. Table 3 shows the rank order
of each priority according to stakeholder group: researchers,
patients, and all other stakeholders. We deemed the top four
ranked priorities within each group as ‘‘high priority.’’ Accordingly,
three priorities were highly rated by all types of
stakeholders: (1) creating tools and systems to facilitate and
evaluate patient-centered medication management plans; (2)
developing patient-centered prescribing curricula for providers
(physicians, physician assistants, and nurses); and (3) increasing
patient knowledge about medication management to improve
health outcomes. Other priorities rated highly were changing the
culture of health care to focus on creating and maintaining
health as opposed to treating disease; defining patient-centered
goals and measures; and involving peers, family and social
networks in PCMM.