You continue to be convinced by your actions, perhaps even more than before. You once again sense the vision and the idea that gives you strength and motivates you (Sagittarius Full Moon). This tempo is the only aspect that will not appeal to you since you are still being forced to weigh each step precisely and think about the consequences. During the Capricorn Moon it initially seems obvious to follow the rules of the game. However, you may boil over on Wednesday if someone harps too much about the old rules that just make everything more difficult (Moon in tension to rebellious Uranus; Mars and Venus in a combative mood). Venus has reached the sign of Gemini by then, which means that your patience will decrease noticeably. Mars may want to use the fire of Sagittarius one more time before it goes back to Scorpio.
Partnership / Love:
If you constantly suppress your personal needs, you could eventually (Wednesday?) reach a point where you simply have no more desire to hold back. On Thursday, the Moon changes to Aquarius and also believes that it is time for you to think more about yourself again. If this causes a conflict that may be quickly resolved, you will know what is depressing your mood on Sunday.