1. Invest in a Good Razor
You use only the best products to keep your face looking flawless, so why not show your skin down below the same love? It is super-delicate, after all. Picking the right razor is the first step to ensuring you keep your bikini line in tip-top condition. “If there are more blades, it dispenses more pressure, allowing each blade to cut with less force but more effect,” says Dendy Engelman, M.D., of Manhattan Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery in New York City. While throwaways are great for use while traveling and can get the job done, they’re labeled "disposable" for a reason. “They’re not meant to be used for a month,” says Eileen Bischoff, esthetician and hair-removal specialist at Eve Salon in New York City. “Choosing a firm, sturdy razor with soothing strips will make a huge difference.”