Children were included if (a) they were referred to
treatment for fighting, unmanageability at home or at school, stealing,
running away, truancy, or related antisocial behaviors; (b) they were
rated by their parent or guardian above the 90th percentile on either
the aggression or delinquency scale of the Child Behavior Checklist
(CBCL; Achenbach & Edelbrock, 1983); (c) they were 7 to 13 years of
age; (d) they read at or above the second grade level on the Wide Range
Achievement Test (WRAT; Jastak & Jastak, 1978); (e) they showed no
evidence of neurological impairment, uncontrolled seizures, or dementia;
(f) were not receiving psychotropic medication; and (g) both
child and parent (or guardian) provided consent. (The reading criterion
was invoked because some of the treatment tasks and materials in
PSST require rudimentary reading skills.)