This paper explores a solution to create a cashless mobile payment system. The aim is to provide the most cost efficient and
secure alternative to current systems. Current systems use SMS and USSD to process payments. These are not cost effective
methods of communication. There is also no current method of processing credit payment on a mobile phone without the need for
a specialized piece of hardware.
The system is broken up into three parts, a visual QR code, Qpay Android application and a payment server. The identification of
mobile phone is encoded in a QR Code allowing the built in camera on a mobile phone to scan a card. This was improved on by
using a HTTPS connection between mobile phone and server. HTTPS provides an encrypted communication channel. This paper
shows that a mobile phone is capable of processing QR code payments on a mobile phone. Time taken to process a payment was
within an acceptable limit.
Keywords: Quick response (QR) code, android, Qpay generator, mobile phone