• CWS provided coaching and guidance as well as grants to ADOVIR (USD 12,484) and KCDA (USD 11,974) to implement the Integrated Community Development Programs in 24 villages in Serei Maen Chey and Chrey Seima communes, Sampov Lun district and in Ta Toak and Kampong Lpov communes, Samlout district.
• ADOVIR supported the Parent Association and VDC in Ou Korki village, Serei Maen Chey commune (SMC), Sampov Lun district, with materials and cash for workers to construct a two-room wooden school building (7.5m x 16m) and a two-room toilet for 293 school children from first-sixth grade. The construction started in January and was completed in March 2014.
• ADOVIR provided materials (sand and cement) to five well groups to repair five open wells in three villages in SMC commune. Moreover, they supported ten families to build ten toilets for their household in SMC commune.