Earth Materials
The crust of the earth is its outer shell of
The most abundant elements in the crust are
oxygen (47% by mass) and silicon (28%);then come
aluminum, iron, calcium, sodium, potassium, and
magnesium, which range from 8% to 2% in that
Since the O ion is relatively large, over 90% of
the volume of the crust is oxygen.
Rocks are aggregates of homogeneous substances
called minerals.
Commoner minerals or mineral groups are the
feldspars, quartz, the ferromagnesian minerals,
the clay minerals, and mica, which are all
silicates, and calcite, which is composed of
calcium carbonate.
Rocks are classified as igneous, sedimentary
and metamorphic.
Igneous rocks cooled from a molten
Two-thirds of crustal rocks are
igneous, with basalt constituting
the bedrock under the oceans and
granite the bedrock under the
Intrusive igneous rocks solidified
beneath the surface where slow
cooling resulted in large mineral
Extrusive igneous rocks solidified
after emerging from a volcano or
other vent, and the rapid cooling
resulted in small mineral grains
Most sedimentary rocks are composed of fragments
of other rocks that have been eroded by the
action of running water, glaciers, or wind.
Sediments are usually deposited in layers.
Sedimentary rocks make up only about 8% of the
Three-quarters of surface rocks are of this kind.
Earth Materials The crust of the earth is its outer shell ofrock. The most abundant elements in the crust areoxygen (47% by mass) and silicon (28%);then comealuminum, iron, calcium, sodium, potassium, andmagnesium, which range from 8% to 2% in thatorder. Since the O ion is relatively large, over 90% ofthe volume of the crust is oxygen.MINERALS Rocks are aggregates of homogeneous substancescalled minerals. Commoner minerals or mineral groups are thefeldspars, quartz, the ferromagnesian minerals,the clay minerals, and mica, which are allsilicates, and calcite, which is composed ofcalcium carbonate. Rocks are classified as igneous, sedimentaryand metamorphic.IGNEOUS ROCKS Igneous rocks cooled from a moltenstate. Two-thirds of crustal rocks areigneous, with basalt constitutingthe bedrock under the oceans andgranite the bedrock under thecontinents. Intrusive igneous rocks solidifiedbeneath the surface where slowcooling resulted in large mineralgrains. Extrusive igneous rocks solidifiedafter emerging from a volcano orother vent, and the rapid coolingresulted in small mineral grainsSEDIMENTARY ROCKS Most sedimentary rocks are composed of fragmentsof other rocks that have been eroded by theaction of running water, glaciers, or wind. Sediments are usually deposited in layers. Sedimentary rocks make up only about 8% of thecrust. Three-quarters of surface rocks are of this kind.
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