well in france there's way more wine , especially in family dinners , basically rosé for the starter and then Red for the main course , and then grandpa's liquor in the coffee , and sparkling (champagne) on big events . but with my friends we drink a lot of beer , whisky(bourbon) , i personally drink a lot of vodka because i love russia ahah , and we also drink a lot of rum , because i have a lot of friends from the west indies (guadeloupe and martinique belong to the french so a lot of them come live here , better life conditions)
Try drinking rum with goyav juice it's f***in delicious !
we smoke a lot too , french are heavy smokers .
actually yeah i dream of you everynight *o*
I did meet my friends , was really cool seeing em , but my best friend comes back today from an hectic week in Paris .
What's your pet ? You're also on holidays ? it looks like we have the same situation , family in the countryside , living alone in big city for studies , amaing that even thousands of kilometers away people still live quite alike ...
thanks for the news take good care of yourself