Review is conducted to investigate the existing method of materials feeding assembly processes. It was carried out by
direct observation on the actual manufacturing activity and reviewing the existing production documents such as Standard
Operating Procedure (SOP) and production report. After that, previous manufacturing data were collected from computer
data base system called Production Control System (PCS). Average figures, for the past 5 months were calculated to
establish baseline for the analysis. For comparison purpose, the data were compared to standard target as registered by the
company in their Bill of Material (BOM). Next, line observation was conducted to understand the present conditions of the
assembly line as well as to identify types of wastes in the process. Time study was also conducted according to J. Haizer and
B. Render [7] and S. A. Lawrence [8]. Time Measurement Sheet (TMS) was used to record all elements process and cycle
times (CT) for each process. In the TMS, process time was separated between hand time, transportation time and machine
time to clearly picture the process. Along the process, it also includes a number of periodical tasks. Periodical task is a set of
tasks that is infrequent but periodically performed by operators along the production process. This task must be separated
from the work cycle as it is classified as NVA activity where for this; Periodical Task Check Sheet (PTCS) was used to run
the analysis. Last but not least, study on the existing layout; movements of operators inside the line and size of the assembly
line were also conducted by using Standard Work Chart (SWC).