are a casual computer 7 computer networking tutorial and now that we understand.
what the server is I want explain exactly how it works.
and also it'll hold me explain this thing called clients and host
because you guys are probably heard about host before but you may not know
exactly what they are so hopefully I can clear that up so a very simplistic model of the internet would look something like this
we would have a bunch of PCs will see that this is a Windows PC
and I will say you know this is the laptop job a little differently
it's pretty good lookin laptop and I don't know maybe we have a Mac
over here are eight and I don't know maybe mac book later somewhere else or
something like that but basically
all these things you may hear them refer to a
workstations workstations are basically home computers laptops max what everyone
now we already know aside from there that servers
me get a good color for it servers our special computer will see that this is a
web server
will see that this is our my server for my website the New Boston
the new boss and
orc now believe it or not my web server is actually in Texas
there's a special computer in Texas at storing all of my wet file so whenever
you go to new boss network
basically was can happen is a server is going to give you some files
so let's go ahead and talk about that process right now say that this is you
in your watching this YouTube video on a laptop right now
now you decide that you wanna go to my website because you heard about in this
you wanna check it out so basically what you can do
is you're the type in the New Boston that work in your browser
hope for you using you know Google Chrome so you gonna tape in the new bos
in the org
in your browser is basically can go through you know your internet providers
can go to your modem routers
all that stuff but it's finally in all talk about you know exactly how your
router knows
to talk to my webserver that's a complicated process
but basically you're gonna eventually get to my server right here
in what your computer is basically asking is
can I see the new boss and coworker basically can you send me some files
from this server in send them to my computer here so that I can see
in my webserver hopefully you know if it's not down or anything
is gonna say yes here you go so it's basically going to take those files
which is basically data and Senate over wire
or wireless in your gonna get does files
on your computer right here now those files are just a budget text in Iran
computer symbols
their are easy to transfer over this kam communications media
but you can't really understand them in that's the job of your browser
the job Internet Explorer or Firefox or Chrome whatever you're using
it's their job to interpret those files in the
in pretty much interpret them from you know computer text
two symbols such as pictures in texts and videos
whatever it is that you can see so basically one more time
servers are special computers the
everyone in the world can access now whenever you wanna see
my website for example you send a request to my server
the in you basically ask a nice your website can you send me the web Isles
and then my server automatically Texas files
and sends them to your computer so now your computer has those files
in your web browser interprets those files in turns it into text
in pictures and all the cool stuff that makes up a web page
so that's basically how a very simple
server works an I know I was get I said I was gonna go over client host in this
but I'm gonna wait to the next world because it'll make a whole lot of sense
so thanks for watching and make sure to check out the next video