Environmental factors and Land-use are likely interacting to drive forest structure and species diversity,making it difficult to disentangle their separate impacts,Both components influence the resilience and stability of mountain forests in the Mediterranean Basin, since secular land-use has shaped stands structure and forests dynamics are constrained to the environment.Approaches covering environment factor and contrasting land-uses are still needed to understand their implications on forest dynamics.We investigated patterns of Environmental variables, stand structure and biodiversity in forest dominated by Abies pinsapo for 61 stands over their whole range. In addition,since land-use by local inhabitant could be a key factor,logging intensity was quantified by stumps basal area and recen: land-use history was investigated.Partal redundancy analysis (pRDA)was conducted to assess to which degree the structural attributes are related to environmental characteristics and/or the land-use in the main A. pinsapo forests.Environmental characteristics accounted for 13% of the total variance,while the contrasting land-use (Spain vs.Morocco) and the stumps basal area,as indicator of human logging, accounted for 23% of the total variance.Trees species diversity was near 5 times higher in Moroccan stands than in stand from south Spain.According to recent human logging, Spanish stands have been strictly protected,but Moroccan stands showed widespread widespread axe-logging by local inhabitant over the smaller tree sizes.Our results suggest that the preservation of a minor perturbation regimen by local populations enhance and help to preserve the whole biodiversity of this relict habitat.