There is a continued interest in conducting polymers due to
their properties like easy fabrication, low cost, leak proof,
biodegradability, and good storage capacity. Conducting
polymers find application in the development of advanced
high energy electrochemical devices for example, batteries,
fuel cells, electrochemical display devices, and photoelec-trochemical cells. The development of conducting polymers
involves several approaches: (i) dry solid state polymers, (ii)
gel/plasticizer polymer, and (iii) composite polymer. Many
lithium-basedpolymer electrosystems have been investigated
earlier [1]. In our study we have chosen poly vinyl alcohol
(PVA) as a host polymer doped with cadmium chloride
) for preparing polymer electrolytes. PVA is a water
soluble polymer and has several interesting physical prop-erties. PVA is having a good charge storage capacity and
dopant-dependent electrical and optical properties [2, 3].
PVA is a semicrystalline polymer. Cadmium chloride is a
white crystalline compound. It is a hygroscopic solid that
photocopying, dyeing, and electroplating