Michelle Obama wants us to make half of our plate fruits or vegetables, it is World Vegetarian Awareness Month, and we all know how over and over vegetables are proven nutrition superheroes. But before the complaints start coming about how our green leafy friends just don’t taste good, try out some lesser known veggies and discover exactly how delicious they can be. If that’s not enough, a new study out this month says that eating green vegetables at least once a week cut participants’ risk of oral cancer by twenty percent. So eat up!
Leeks: In the same family as onions and garlic, leeks, the national vegetable of Wales, are at their peak during fall and winter. They are found primarily in soups, like our Potato Leek Soup, but can also be eaten raw in salads or sautéed. They contain flavonoids, folate, and antioxidant polyphenols, all important for cardiovascular health. Leeks are low in calories, yet one cup provides many vitamins and minerals including half the daily recommended amount of vitamin K and thirty percent of the daily value of vitamin A. Although less researched for health benefits than garlic and onions, leeks are just as beneficial and their milder taste may appeal to those who dislike garlic and onion’s strong flavor. Be sure to wash these well to remove dirt and grit hiding between the leaves.