Database is an important asset for many applications, so their security is most important one. Data confidentiality is particularly
relevant because of the value, often not only monetary, that data have. For example, medical history of patients in a hospital over several years
is an important asset, which must be protected. Consider a hospital is connected with a research center. It should be possible the researchers
can use the medical details without knowing any personal information of patients .This type of information hiding can be called as
anonymization (Sanitization).The sanitized version of data provides security and confidentiality. So the research data base used by the
researchers must be anonymized (Sanitized). Data perturbation, Secure Multiparty Computation (SMC) and Anonymization are the different
techniques used today. Here we consider an anonymous database system and an approach to manage the untrusted malicious parties in that
Database is an important asset for many applications, so their security is most important one. Data confidentiality is particularlyrelevant because of the value, often not only monetary, that data have. For example, medical history of patients in a hospital over several yearsis an important asset, which must be protected. Consider a hospital is connected with a research center. It should be possible the researcherscan use the medical details without knowing any personal information of patients .This type of information hiding can be called asanonymization (Sanitization).The sanitized version of data provides security and confidentiality. So the research data base used by theresearchers must be anonymized (Sanitized). Data perturbation, Secure Multiparty Computation (SMC) and Anonymization are the differenttechniques used today. Here we consider an anonymous database system and an approach to manage the untrusted malicious parties in thatsystem.
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