isolates CT20-CT39 correspond to the different colonies that
developed at 48 h after plating.
Among the 39 isolates, the predominant morphologies
were bacilli and coccobacilli, either as single cells or as chains.
Almost 60% of all the isolates were gram negative (G-).
Eighty percent of the isolates obtained at the first 24 h were
G-(15/19). Only the isolate CT11 grew in the Pseudomonasselective
medium Gould’s S1, and their colonies did not release
UV-fluorescent pigments. 16S rDNA sequencing confirmed
that the isolate CT11 is a non-fluorescent pseudomonad,
closely related to the members of the P. mendocina group
(Table 1). Gram positives (G+) were more abundant among
isolates recovered at 48 h after plating (60%; 12/20). Based
on BOX-PCR fingerprinting, we could identify 14 banding
patterns (A to N) among 28 isolates (Table 1; Fig. 2A).
Indeed, the B pattern was the most frequent one (43%;