Downstream zone of Mae-On watershed areas always suffer from floods regularly and violence has increased every year covering 32.80 square kilometers in downstream zone of Sankamphaeng district, Chiang Mai province which is the research area. The objectives of this research were to the study: 1) The main factors and causes which has the effect of the drainage systems of flooding 2) Study the natural occurrence, scope and the effects of floods 3) Designed to improve the drainage system to alleviate the severity of floods.
The process of research 1) Study and compile the scorecards flood risk for academic, physical and rainfall. In addition of this study has to collect data from the field by survey, interview for emerging features, scope and impact of the floods. After that, take the above information to develop scorecards for three groups and create mathematical equations for each scorecard. The assessment and determine the areas at risk of flooding method to the weighted average spatial and make overlapping scorecards mapping to compared data between assessment with the actual situation. 2) The data obtained from the survey, inquiries and interviews characteristics, scope and impact of flooding in the area including the overlay data to summarize areas suffer floods was quantified and 3) delineates the characteristics of severe flooding and create a concept designed to improve the drainage system to mitigate the severity of floods according to the assessment results and the actual situation in year 2010 and 2011.
The results showed that 1) In 2011, flooding in Downstream zone of Mae-On watershed areas mainly on the rains for a period of 12 days (between 2 -13 September) as the maximum amount of rainfall total 191.5 millimeters , which has resulted in the flooding up to 37.76 cubic meters per second. While downstream zone of Mae-On watershed areas has the potential to accommodate the flood only 26.30 cubic meters per second. The remaining amount of flood water flows into the overflow 11.46 cubic meters per second. As a result, causes flooding in this area. There is also a secondary factor affecting drainage flooding is the drainage at upper zone of Mae On watershed areas are high slope and area covered by forest which has the potential for low water absorption. Resulting in severe flash flood quickly. Make the Central zone of Mae On watershed a lot accommodate the flood of sub-watershed of the Upper and Middle. Flood volume flow rates to rise steadily into the area on downstream zone of Mae-On watershed areas. Which exceed the limits of the volume of water. Caused flooding make the water overflowing their banks outside Mae On sub-flow to downstream zone of Mae On before flowing into the Mae Kuang. As a result, the water level is higher and there also have factors of land use to grow, especially intrusion direction waterfront areas. Transportation network overlays the drainage system. Catchment area decreased due to the development of agriculture to a residential area and the construction of check dams without the gate to open and closed that make D1 D2 E2 and E3 areas assess the area has a high risk of severe flooding with the above factors.
2) Scope and impact of the flooding are upper zone of Mae-On watershed areas experiencing flash flood which occurred more than 2 times per year. Waterproof flap damaged because the current flowing into central zone of Mae-On watershed areas make the river bank overflowing to flood residential areas and agricultural areas around 4,916.15 hectares that make damage to agricultural and flood to downstream zone of Mae-On watershed areas estimate 11,538.36 hectares, resulting in severe flooding every year for a period of approximately one week spoilage and foulest and the spread of germs.
3) Designed and improve the drainage system to alleviate the severity of floods are upper zone of Mae-On watershed areas makes line of fire including regeneration and repair the forest To absorb water and slow runoff, improvement of flood retention basin restoration and bending pond sludge to support the increased flood and sediment trapping by capacity design. The Central zone of Mae-On watershed areas designed the dike with a height from the waterline to the lowest 1.50 meters and has a length to 6.10 kilometers and design channel water diversion has a length to 2.25 kilometers can divert water to 1.20 cubic meters per second and the ability to retain water for use during the dry season to about 2.2 billion cubic meters and downstream zone of Mae-On watershed areas designed the water diversion system channel along with Kaem-Ling system to drain water out of the area has a length of 14.36 kilometers and can divert the water 10.13 cubic meters per second. Kaem-Ling System can retain water for use in the dry season, about 4.1 thousand cubic meters, adding water distribution has a length of 13.17 kilometers can distribute the water 3.08 cubes per second and can storage water for use in dry season around 5.8 thousand cubic meters. The river has improvement and get a length to 14.40 kilometers to make water flows through the convenient during the rainy season and land or zone management to use the land and prevent the invasion river.
พื้นที่ลุ่มน้ำการโซนแม่ปลายน้ำทรมานจากน้ำท่วมเป็นประจำ และรุนแรงขึ้นทุกปีที่ครอบคลุม 32.80 ตารางกิโลเมตรในเขตปลายน้ำของต้นธงชัยอำเภอ จังหวัดเชียงใหม่ซึ่งเป็นพื้นที่วิจัย วัตถุประสงค์ของงานวิจัยนี้มีการศึกษา: หลัก 1 ปัจจัย และสาเหตุที่มีผลของระบบระบายน้ำท่วม 2 ศึกษาเหตุการณ์ธรรมชาติ ขอบเขต และผลกระทบของอุทกภัยครั้งที่ 3) ออกแบบมาเพื่อปรับปรุงระบบระบายน้ำเพื่อบรรเทาความรุนแรงของน้ำท่วมกระบวนการงานวิจัย 1) ศึกษาและคอมไพล์เสี่ยงน้ำท่วมดัชนีชี้วัดสำหรับสถาบันการศึกษา ทางกายภาพ และปริมาณน้ำฝน นอกจากนี้ การศึกษานี้ได้รวบรวมข้อมูลจากเขตข้อมูล โดยสำรวจ สัมภาษณ์คุณลักษณะเกิด ขอบเขต และผลกระทบของน้ำท่วม หลังจากนั้น นำข้อมูลไปพัฒนาดัชนีชี้วัดสำหรับสามกลุ่ม และสร้างสมการทางคณิตศาสตร์ในแต่ละดัชนีชี้วัด การประเมิน และกำหนดพื้นที่เสี่ยงน้ำท่วมวิธีเฉลี่ยถ่วงน้ำหนักพื้นที่ และทำให้ดัชนีชี้วัดทับซ้อนกันที่การแม็ปการเปรียบเทียบข้อมูลระหว่างการประเมินกับสถานการณ์จริง 2)ข้อมูลที่ได้จากแบบสำรวจ สอบถามและสัมภาษณ์ ขอบเขต และผลกระทบของน้ำท่วมในพื้นที่รวมถึงการซ้อนทับข้อมูลสรุปพื้นที่ประสบน้ำท่วมถูก quantified และ 3) delineates ลักษณะของน้ำท่วมรุนแรง และสร้างแนวคิดการออกแบบมาเพื่อปรับปรุงระบบระบายน้ำเพื่อลดความรุนแรงของน้ำท่วมตามผลประเมินและสถานการณ์จริงในปี 2010 และ 2011 The results showed that 1) In 2011, flooding in Downstream zone of Mae-On watershed areas mainly on the rains for a period of 12 days (between 2 -13 September) as the maximum amount of rainfall total 191.5 millimeters , which has resulted in the flooding up to 37.76 cubic meters per second. While downstream zone of Mae-On watershed areas has the potential to accommodate the flood only 26.30 cubic meters per second. The remaining amount of flood water flows into the overflow 11.46 cubic meters per second. As a result, causes flooding in this area. There is also a secondary factor affecting drainage flooding is the drainage at upper zone of Mae On watershed areas are high slope and area covered by forest which has the potential for low water absorption. Resulting in severe flash flood quickly. Make the Central zone of Mae On watershed a lot accommodate the flood of sub-watershed of the Upper and Middle. Flood volume flow rates to rise steadily into the area on downstream zone of Mae-On watershed areas. Which exceed the limits of the volume of water. Caused flooding make the water overflowing their banks outside Mae On sub-flow to downstream zone of Mae On before flowing into the Mae Kuang. As a result, the water level is higher and there also have factors of land use to grow, especially intrusion direction waterfront areas. Transportation network overlays the drainage system. Catchment area decreased due to the development of agriculture to a residential area and the construction of check dams without the gate to open and closed that make D1 D2 E2 and E3 areas assess the area has a high risk of severe flooding with the above factors. 2) Scope and impact of the flooding are upper zone of Mae-On watershed areas experiencing flash flood which occurred more than 2 times per year. Waterproof flap damaged because the current flowing into central zone of Mae-On watershed areas make the river bank overflowing to flood residential areas and agricultural areas around 4,916.15 hectares that make damage to agricultural and flood to downstream zone of Mae-On watershed areas estimate 11,538.36 hectares, resulting in severe flooding every year for a period of approximately one week spoilage and foulest and the spread of germs. 3) Designed and improve the drainage system to alleviate the severity of floods are upper zone of Mae-On watershed areas makes line of fire including regeneration and repair the forest To absorb water and slow runoff, improvement of flood retention basin restoration and bending pond sludge to support the increased flood and sediment trapping by capacity design. The Central zone of Mae-On watershed areas designed the dike with a height from the waterline to the lowest 1.50 meters and has a length to 6.10 kilometers and design channel water diversion has a length to 2.25 kilometers can divert water to 1.20 cubic meters per second and the ability to retain water for use during the dry season to about 2.2 billion cubic meters and downstream zone of Mae-On watershed areas designed the water diversion system channel along with Kaem-Ling system to drain water out of the area has a length of 14.36 kilometers and can divert the water 10.13 cubic meters per second. Kaem-Ling System can retain water for use in the dry season, about 4.1 thousand cubic meters, adding water distribution has a length of 13.17 kilometers can distribute the water 3.08 cubes per second and can storage water for use in dry season around 5.8 thousand cubic meters. The river has improvement and get a length to 14.40 kilometers to make water flows through the convenient during the rainy season and land or zone management to use the land and prevent the invasion river.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..