The Maldives Nursing Council, which has been formulated with the approval of the
President’s office, is an important constituent in the development of the nursing profession,
since the profession is in dire need of regulatory body to maintain the order, consistency, and
control. In addition the formation of this Council will enhance and develop the standard,
education and skills of those in the profession. Moreover the regulatory mechanism will
ensure the quality of service and thus safeguard the public interest.
This book has been written and produced in order to make the public as well as the nursing
professionals aware of the implementation of the Council and its effect on the scope of
nursing in the country.
As this is the first book, which outlines the basic requirements of the regulatory mechanism
for nursing profession, it does not encompass all aspects of the legislative procedures or
elements. However, as they are being developed they will be subsequently produced.
The Members of the Nursing Council and the technical support given by the WHO short term
Consultant Mr. Reg Pyne have contributed enormously in the development and formulation
of the Council and its regulation.
The first chapter highlights the objectives and essential components of the Maldives Nursing
Council regulations, and few other clarifications of some of these components.
Next, the Ethical and Professional Code of Conduct for nurses is outlined in detail with the
principles and criteria, followed by the system for registration and renewal of registration,
which are discussed and explained.
The final chapter deals with the system for accreditation for nursing/midwifery educational
programs and institutions. In this the standards for accreditation, the general principles and
the criteria are given. It also summarizes the general and specific standards for accreditation
of educational programs and institutions.