There are so many problems that remain in Thai students oralcommunication. s ! e4plained above, those are because the historical of Thailand which has never been colonialized by any European country, ageor maturational constrain, aural medium, socio cultural factor, anda2ective factor. The a2ective factors still have a great deal of with thepsychological factor of Thai students attitudes including, an4iety, feelingof uneasiness, frustration, self7doubt, apprehension, fear of mistakes,shyness, lack of con"dence, and lack of motivation. $ot only that, teachercould be the great factor which a2ect the success of English classroomteaching. The non7native teachers is still applying the teacher7centerapproach and go for teaching grammar more than speaking performance.
The large-class size, medium of instruction in Thai, and lack of English environment for interaction in daily life
are also the problems in Thais oral communication. ll of them should we take as a sample to get the better teachingand learning English. )oth teachers and students should more aware of how they cope with an oral communication in order to get the high level of speaking English pro"ciency