In the Long Yuyin heart has been full of the doubts, is not only not Long Tianming, is not Situ Beiyan, who can that be so aims at them?
„Young lady, there is a matter. Does not know , said that didn't work as to say?” The servants start to speak but hesitate said.
„Has any words, said directly then!” Long Yuyin looked at one to kneel in the servant of ground said.
„With the person who among we battle, cultivation method that Dao of Dragon Realm Expert, he practices, as if a little Demon God Sect way!” The servants said respectfully that deeps frown.
„Demon God Sect?” In Long Yuyin heart one cold.
Truly, Long Yuyin has not thought this possibility, if is really Demon God Sect, that this matter was complex.
„Do you have big assurance are the Demon God Sect person?” Long Yuyin pursues asks.
„I do not have any assurance.” The servants shook the head to say hurriedly that „merely is only some feelings. Opposite party Aura is not a little right, is unable to find the solid evidence to prove that this group of people are very strange, only specifically aims at us, the motion is extremely also careful, seems is avoiding anything!”
Long Yuyin deeps frown, it seems like that this matter, really a little fishy.
After Nie Li leaves, she traces with several servants, but Nie Li goes into hiding completely. Could not find. Afterward she heard that Nie Li appeared in the border region small town, then together in a hurry caught up with several servants.
„You go back first, continue to investigate the details of that group of people, several day I have then gone back!” Long Yuyin has thought. Said to that servant.
„Yes!” That servant should say immediately respectfully that asked to be excused to leave.
A moment later, the Long Yuyin under that two Dao of Dragon Realm middle-aged woman walked.
„Young lady, we had uncle's news, the uncle have stopped over in a small town inn, the uncle had purchased many Heavenly Primordial Spirit Race masters recently. Has over a hundred fully!” And a woman said that her is quite at heart shocking, has not thought that Nie Li really has such astonishing financial resource!
That is over a hundred Dao of Dragon Realm Heavenly Primordial Spirit Race masters, and absolutely loyal!
Even if the god artisan pavilion in fable, perhaps is unable to put out these many Spiritual Stone to come out to exchange over a hundred Heavenly Primordial Spirit Race masters one time!
Really madame's vision will not be wrong, if the young lady can form the couple with the uncle, controls Dragon Seal Family regarding the young lady, has the greatest advantage absolutely.
Long Yuyin hears the words of woman, facial expression was excited immediately, the running together of two syllables in rapid speech said: „Which inn he lives, leads me to go quickly!”
„Yes, Young lady!” That woman should say.
At this moment, sudden formidable Aura fluctuation transmits.
Two woman facial colors suddenly change.
„Young lady was careful!” Two women bring Long Yuyin to graze immediately outward.