Thanks for giving us a part of your business. But no remaining space for rent.
If we have rental space in the area, you will inform you immediately.
Thank you for letting us be part of your business rental area, but due to constant, we have all the. There are no remaining space for rent.
.If we have an empty rental space remains the same type of business, and you will notify you by fast food.
Thanks for giving us a part of your business.
, but because we are all leased space. No space for rent,
we have rental space in the area. And require the same type of business, you will immediately let you know it.
Thank you for giving us a part in your business. But due to the rental space that we have. There was space for rent and
.If we have a rental area space left. And type of business you will inform you immediately.
แต่เนื่องจากพื้นที่เช่าที่เรามีอยู่ทั้งหมด ไม่มีเหลือพื้นที่ให้เช่าแล้ว
หากเรามีพื้นที่เช่าว่างเหลืออยู่ และต้องการธุรกิจประเภทเดียวกับท่านจะแจ้งให้ท่านทราบโดยด่วนนะค่ะ