forming part of the Outdoor Light Fixture is at wavelengths between 320 nanometers and 340
(ii) Not more than 20% of the Total Emergent Flux emitted by the Lamp or the Lamp or Lamps
forming part of the Outdoor Light Fixture is at wavelengths between 340 nanometers and 440
nanometers; and
(iii) Not more than 15% of the Total Emergent Flux emitted by the Lamp or the Lamp or Lamps
forming part of the Outdoor Light Fixture is at wavelengths between 641 nanometers and 700
nanometers; or
(b) where the Lamp or the Lamp or Lamps forming part of the Outdoor Light Fixture emit light
energy in a smooth continuum without an emission line anywhere in the wavelength range of 320
nanometers to 700 nanometers.
(Title 5, Part 4 Chapter 153. 1-A : Energy Conservation in Buildings
§1769. Outdoor lighting
1. Definitions. As used in this section, unless the context otherwise indicates, the following terms
have the following meanings.
A. "Direct light" means light emitted directly from a lamp off a reflector or through a refractor of a
luminaire. [1991, c. 481, §1 (new).]
B. "Fixture" means the assembly that holds the lamp and may include an assembly housing, a
mounting bracket or pole socket, a lamp holder, a ballast, a reflector or mirror and a refractor or lens.
C. "Footcandle" means an illuminance equal to one lumen per square foot.