The interest on a loan taken for purchase or renovation of owner-occupied home is tax-deductible. Tax-deductibility applies if the home is the regular residence of the owner or his or her family. In 2012, 85% of the interest is tax-deductible and in 2013, 80% of the interest will be tax-deductible. As of 1 January 2014 the percentage will be 75%. If the loan is taken for the purchase of a holiday home, the interest is not tax-deductible.
Also, the interest on a housing company loan which is paid in connection with the maintenance charge cannot be deducted. It is often advised to take a bank loan to pay off the housing company loan to avail of the tax deduction right.
As a rule, interest expenses are deducted from capital income (eg rental and dividend income). If you have no capital income, or its amount does not allow a deduction, you get a special credit for deficit in capital income in the taxation of earned income (such as salary or pension). In terms of euros the benefit in taxation is the same irrespective of whether the interest is deducted directly from capital income or whether you get a credit for deficit in capital income in the taxation of earned income.