Though globally, an estimated 4.0 billion people are infected
with the herpes virus, however even after several years of
intensive research into herpes simplex virus keratitis (HSK)
and substantial progress in understanding its virology, the
management of this condition continues to be challenging.1 In
addition, in an under developed country like ours where
bacterial and fungal keratitis are far more common, a viral
etiology for keratitis is generally not thought of initially, which
IntroductionThough globally, an estimated 4.0 billion people are infectedwith the herpes virus, however even after several years ofintensive research into herpes simplex virus keratitis (HSK)and substantial progress in understanding its virology, themanagement of this condition continues to be challenging.1 Inaddition, in an under developed country like ours wherebacterial and fungal keratitis are far more common, a viraletiology for keratitis is generally not thought of initially, which
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