COMPRESSOR REGULATOR (folder with “CP” label)
diFferential. Relay compressor tripping differential. The compressor stops on reaching the
Setpoint value (as indicated by the adjustment probe), and restarts at temperature value
equal to the Setpoint plus the value of the differential.
Note: the value 0 cannot be assumed.
Higher SEt. Maximum possible setpoint value.
Lower SEt. Minimum possible setpoint value.
On time (compressor). Compressor activation time in the event of faulty probe. If set to
“1” with Oft at “0” the compressor is always on, while at Oft >0 it functions always
in duty cycle mode.
OFF time (compressor). Compressor in disabled state time in the event of a faulty probe.
If set to “1” with Ont at “0” the compressor is always off, while at Ont >0
it functions always in duty cycle mode.
delay (at) On compressor. Delay time in activating the compressor relay after switch-on
of instrument
delay (after power) OFF. Delay after switch off; the indicated time must elapse between
switch-off of the compressor relay and the successive switch-on.
delay between power-on. Delay between switch-ons; the indicated time must elapse
between two successive switch-ons of the compressor.
delay Output (from power) On. Delay time in activating the outputs after switch-on of
the instrument or after a power failure.
DEFROSTING REGULATOR (folder with “dEF” label)
defrost type. Type of defrosting.
0 = electric defrost;
1 = reverse cycle defrost (hot gas);
2 = Free defrost (compressor hot).
defrost interval time. Interval between the start of two successive defrosting operations.
defrost Counting type. Selection of count mode for the defrosting interval.
0 = compressor operating hours (DIGIFROST® method);
1 = Real Time – appliance operating time;
2 = compressor stop.
defrost Offset Hour. Start-of-defrosting delay time from start up
of instrument.
defrost Endurance time. Defrosting time-out; determines duration of
defrost Stop temperature. Defrost stop temperature (defined by the evaporator
defrost (at) Power On. Determines if at the start-up the instrument must enter defrosting
(if the temperature measured by the evaporator allows this operation).
y = yes; n = no.
FANS REGULATOR (folder with “FAn” label)
Fan Stop temperature. Fan lock temperature; if the value, read by the evaporator probe,
is higher than the set value, fans stop.
Fan differential. Fan starting differential (see par. “FSt”).
Fan delay time. Delay time in activating fans after a defrost operation.
drainage time. Dripping time.
defrost Fan disable. Allows to select the evaporator probes exclusion
during defrost. y = yes; n = no.
Fan Compressor OFF. Allows to select compressor fans lock
OFF (switched off).
y = fans activated (with thermostat; based on the value read by the defrost probe,
see parameter “FSt”);
n = fans off;
dc = not used
ALARMS (folder with “AL” label)
Alarm Fan differential. Alarm differential.
Higher ALarm. Maximum temperature alarm. Temperature value (with regard to Setpoint)
which if exceeded in an upward direction triggers the activation of the alarm signal.
Lower ALarm. Minimum temperature alarm. Temperature value (with regard to Setpoint),
which if exceeded in a downward direction, triggers the activation of the alarm signal.
Power-on Alarm Override. Alarm exclusion time after instrument switch on,
after a power failure.
defrost Alarm Override. Alarm exclusion time after defrost.
temperature Alarm Override. Temperature alarm signal delay time.
DISPLAY (folder with “diS” label)
(keyboard) LOCk. Keyboard locking. However, you can enter parameter programming
modify them along with the status of this parameter in order to allow keyboard locking.
y = yes; n = no
PAssword 1. When enabled (value other than 0) it constitutes the access key for
level 1 parameters.
number display type. View with decimal point. y = yes; n = no
CAlibration 1.Calibration 1. Positive or negative temperature value added to the value
read by probe 1.
CAlibration 2.Calibration 2. Positive or negative temperature value added to the value
read by probe 2.
defrost display Lock. Viewing mode during defrosting.
0 = shows the temperature read by the thermostat probe;
1 = locks the reading on the temperature value read by thermostat probe when
defrosting starts, and until the next time the Setpoint value is reached;
2 = displays the label “deF” during defrosting, and until the next time the
Setpoint value is reached.
display read-out. Select °C or °F for displaying the temperature read by the thermostat
probe. 0 = °C, 1 = °F. PLEASE NOTE: the switch between °C and °F DO NOT modify
setpoint, differential, etc. (for example set=10°C become 10°F).