Hello maaike , I am doing fine thank you for you lcrtcv, now I'm doing it like a good girl and I live here, I was doing great, now my sister how old then and I was 15 years old, I was born. November 12, 2541 I like purple, black, white, gray, I like English, social studies, I like to eat kfc chicken I have dreams I want to see the most snow I want to know what you like do not like in? Now I'm preparing to attend a class at gradc 4 of high School. Now there is very cold or something? Involved here is very hot, I'm so happy to have written a letter for me I would appreciate it very much that I have written for my final, I was asked to me. happy with the work and ask me a healthy body, strong competition coming from God. God blessed me
(God love you)