Furthermore, another important facet of
NSOs’ organizational life and institutional
environment is the pattern of values and
beliefs underpinning the organizational
structure and processes of the NSOs. Both
the internal and institutional environment of
NSOs are dominated by an established set of
values and beliefs, which is reective of their
inuential members’ preference for promoting
a volunteer structure and informal operating
procedures. This type of structure is
characterized by excessive centralization of
the decision-making authority in the hands of
voluntary boards and by a lack of formalization
in regard to policies, service standards,
rules and regulations, etc. As a result, it
allows considerable scope for the GSS and
NSO board members to show particular
preference for values and beliefs that legitimize
political behaviour, which reect nepotism
and favouritism in regards to allocation
of public resources, administrative practices
and policies concerning athletes and staff.
Furthermore, another important facet of
NSOs’ organizational life and institutional
environment is the pattern of values and
beliefs underpinning the organizational
structure and processes of the NSOs. Both
the internal and institutional environment of
NSOs are dominated by an established set of
values and beliefs, which is reective of their
inuential members’ preference for promoting
a volunteer structure and informal operating
procedures. This type of structure is
characterized by excessive centralization of
the decision-making authority in the hands of
voluntary boards and by a lack of formalization
in regard to policies, service standards,
rules and regulations, etc. As a result, it
allows considerable scope for the GSS and
NSO board members to show particular
preference for values and beliefs that legitimize
political behaviour, which reect nepotism
and favouritism in regards to allocation
of public resources, administrative practices
and policies concerning athletes and staff.
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