There is a concept in Christianity that is called atonement. God will forgive one’s sins and erase the stain of sin on one’s soul when one shows true atonement. It suffices in Roman Catholicism to go to a priest, confess the sin, atone, and be cleaned from the sin. Priests can forgive in God’s name. If one can get away from the punishment of society, from the society that knows no atonement and little forgiveness, then one can get away from the condemnation by God. But does not the soul always die a little, until no atonement and no forgiveness can be sought? Not all religions say that God can deliver pardon through priests. Sin deprives always - to some extent and forever - of moral good. The stain on one’s soul will stay. Does the penance really remove the stain? Is confession and penance the reason why in history Catholicism has been such a successful religion?